Author: nevin

Eliza Fletcher, the heiress of a billion-dollar fortune, was also a loving teacher at a Memphis area kindergarten class. While teaching at St. Mary’s Episcopal School, Ms. Fletcher’s enthusiasm for life affected her students and colleagues. Nothing could have prepared her husband and two young boys for what happened on the 2nd of September 2022. While out jogging, she was accosted by someone driving a dark SUV. Ms. Fletcher’s struggle with the suspect was caught on a local business security camera. After the suspect forced Ms. Fletcher into the vehicle, they remained parked in the same spot for four minutes.…

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A 19-year-old woman had the surprise of her life when she found out that her eight-month-old twins had different fathers. The mother was totally flabbergasted when she received the results. After she had time to process the DNA results, she realized that she had become pregnant with twins after sleeping with two different men on the same day. No one could have imagined these results with the twin boys looking so similar. However, when doubts about who the real father was, the mother, who remains anonymous, asked for a DNA test. The test came back positive for just one of…

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Prince Charles, the United Kingdom’s future king, has come under scrutiny as reports of a transaction between the prince’s charitable fund and Osama bin Laden’s two half-brothers in 2013 have surfaced in the press. Prince Charles has also reportedly accepted a suitcase containing more than $1 million in cash from Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani, the former controversial prime minister of Qatar. In total, Prince Charles is said to have accepted $3 million from the Sheikh. A quick search online will turn up a few more controversial donors too. What is going on here? Are these powerhouses…

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European Union regulations have real-world consequences, and farmers in the Netherlands and other parts of Europe are in an uproar about it. Will the left’s globalistic agenda continue to plunge ahead despite the few brave farmers putting up a fight, or will the world see that the left is orchestrating a colossal power grab from the people? A lot is riding on this little know protest propagated by ordinary people driving tractors. Netherland policymakers are serious when it comes to climate change. They are pushing farmers to reduce the amount of nitrogen oxide and ammonia emissions that come from fertilizers…

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On June 9th, two Americans were captured during a battle against Putin’s war machine. They were serving alongside the Zelenski’s regular army units. Andy Huynh and Alexander Drueke are believed to be the Americans captured. A source close to the situation told The Daily Telegraph, “We were out on a mission, and the whole thing went absolutely crazy, with bad intel. We were told the town was clear when it turned out the Russians were already assaulting it.” The unnamed source says that he believes the men were taken out by an explosion. He was unsure if the blast came…

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An incident involving two El Monte police officers and one suspect left all three individuals dead. The suspect died on the scene, and the officers were rushed to the LA County USC Medical Center. Both officers tragically succumbed to their injuries and passed away at the hospital. The officers initially arrived on the scene after being called for a possible stabbing. After arriving shots were fired inside the motel as well as outside in the parking lot. Although not yet identified, one of the officers was a 22-year veteran of the force and the other a rookie with less than…

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With one week to go before retirement, Brian Menton, Detective for the Yonkers Police Department, was shot as he and other task force officers conducted an operation to get illegal guns off the streets. Reports on Thursday confirmed that Det. Menton was awake and interacting with others after going through surgery for the damage done internally from the gunshot wound. Detective Menton was praised by the Commissioner who said that he was responsible for “hundreds” of gun arrests in his 27 years working for the police. The Commissioner said that the city would see a lot more shootings if it…

Read More On Tuesday, the Northern York Elementary school board voted 8-1 against a proposed After School Satan Club. Thomas Welch was the lone board member voting for the club whose proposal was initiated by Samantha Groome, a district resident. Lucien Greave, the co-founder of the Temple of Satan that created the national After School Satan Club, said that the school board meeting ‘unnecessarily traumatized those who wanted the club to be brought to Northern York County. Greaves called the experience unnecessarily traumatizing for those who wanted the group brought to Northern York County and said religious freedom does not come…

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With almost 75% of its citizens registered as Democrats, it’s safe to say that Detroit, Michigan, is a bastion of Democrat power. One would imagine that the city is a land flowing with love, diversity, and unicorns. The truth is that the city is the total opposite. Five years ago, the city admitted that it had illegally overtaxed homeowners by close to $600 million between 2010 and 2016. The city inflated the property assessments by more than 85% of its market value. The resulting high property taxes forced an estimated 100,000 property owners, primarily minorities, to lose their homes…

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56-year-old Vincent Jean, a New Jersey resident, was arrested for an alleged first-degree attempted murder and aggravated assault, among other charges. Neighbors claimed that Vincent was driving in reverse on a one-way street to avoid traffic during rush hour on Tuesday morning. While driving in reverse, Vincent hit another car at the intersection. Police and prosecutors allege that the woman began taking pictures of the incident and Vincent’s car as he tried to flee the scene. Knowing that the woman had photo evidence of the crash, Vincent became infuriated with the woman and began following her in his car.…

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Three children, all 1 year of age, were taken to a Virginia emergency room on March 2. Their families noticed a pronounced odd behavior. All of the children were exhibiting lethargic and uncoordinated behavior and glassy, bloodshot eyes. After testing the children, the hospital confirmed that each child had been exposed to tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive compound in cannabis. The Stafford Sheriff’s Office released the following statement. By Major Shawn Kimmitz April 15, 2022 On March 2nd Deputy A.J. Deasy responded to Stafford Hospital Center for several toddlers with exposure to THC. Three children, all one year of age, were…

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Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein is drawing criticism from some in her party. At least three fellow Democrat senators and one Democrat member of Congress have voiced concerns about her mental well-being. Feinstein refused to give an interview to The Chronicle but relayed her befuddlement to its editorial board. In an interview with The Chronicle’s editorial board on Thursday, Feinstein came off as diminished but lucid and responsive. She said she does not plan to step down before the end of her term, which runs through 2024. “I meet regularly with leaders. I’m not isolated. I see people. My attendance is…

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Frank R. James is in custody and will be appearing before U.S. Magistrate Judge Roanne L. Mann in Brooklyn. Mr. James is accused of allegedly opening fire and injuring at least 29 people. James threw smoke grenades to confuse the crowd after reportedly putting on his gas mask. Thankfully, no fatalities have been reported. Frank James is a prime example of where the leftist agenda will lead this woke generation. James had social media accounts where he ranted about the most important topics about which he was passionate. One of his favorite topics was race. In one YouTube video, Jame’s…

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In a confusing turn of events, 19-year-old James Jackson was able to walk out of jail due to a clerical error. On Monday, Jackson was cleared to stand trial. The following day, he was arraigned under a grand jury indictment. This meant that he was assigned a new case number. During the transition, Jackson was released from jail by mistake. The L.A. County DA’s Office released its statement of the incident on Friday. The Los Angeles PD is working alongside LASD to apprehend Jackson. The L.A. Sheriff’s Department released a statement on Friday regarding the mixup. “The Los…

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LaQuedra Edwards was at the grocery store in Tarzana, California, buying lottery tickets from a California Lottery Scratchers vending machine. She was about to choose the games she wanted to play when, as she put it, “some rude person” bumped into her. ABC reported Edwards’s statements. According to Edwards, the impact of the stranger bumping into her caused her to push a number on the machine that she did not intend. Out came a $30 200X Scratchers ticket — which she had no intention of buying. “He just bumped into me, didn’t say a thing and just walked out the…

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Chris Smalls, president of the newly formed Amazon Labor Union, first led a protest at Amazon because he felt they didn’t do enough to protect the workers from Covid-19. He claimed that Amazon put him in quarantine but refused to put anyone else in quarantine. What did he do? He led a walkout of Amazon, leaving the warehouse short of workers that day. The walkout led to his termination at Amazon. In an interview with CNBC, Chris Small said, “From that moment, you know, I travelled the country advocating for worker’s rights. You know, I didn’t give up. Especially after…

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An argument over a bowling ball escalated into a gunfight on March 18th. Atlanta police have arrested 25-year-old Joshua Fleetwood for allegedly murdering Lakevia Jackson at the Metro Fun Center. Investigations into the matter have uncovered that Mr. Fleetwood was on a date at the Metro Fun Center. He and his date were bowling next to Lakevia Jackson’s family before the incident. Mr. Fleetwood got into an argument with Jackson’s family before they all left the building. Once outside the bowling alley, two of the women began to argue again. Police say that someone from each side of the argument…

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Breaking News: Elon Musk is making good on his promise to try to fight for free speech. Parag Agrawal, CEO of Twitter, tweeted, “I’m excited to share that we’re appointing @elonmuskto our board! Through conversations with Elon in recent weeks, it became clear to us that he would bring great value to our board.” Business Insider reported: “Through conversations with Elon in recent weeks, it became clear to us that he would bring great value to our Board,” Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal said in a tweet. Musk, meanwhile, said he is “looking forward to working with Parag & Twitter board to make significant…

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On any given day in Wivelsfield, Sussex, you may be lucky to see Alex Orchin zipping around in his trusty light blue Peel P50. Some people may laugh at the tiny car, but Alex laughs all the way to the gas station! He can claim the spot of having Britain’s lowest fuel bill. It costs about $9 to $10 to fill up the tank. That fuel bill would be a welcomed reprieve from the record-high oil prices in 2022. You may have trouble convincing the majority of American youth of the coolness factor of the fuel mileage. The car attracts…

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You may wonder, what does an Ecuadorian court’s ruling have to do with me. I encourage you to read this entire article. It is clear that as the alt-left agenda advances, the rights of animals, the right of nature, and climate issues will take a higher place of importance than our own rights. The court of Ecuador has ruled that nonhuman animals have rights. The court’s ruling was brought about by a habeas corpus action filed on behalf of a woolly monkey. Estrellita, the woolly monkey, had been captured when she was very young. She lived in captivity for 18…

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The world’s 4th richest man is concerned about what you are eating. In an interview with MIT Technology Review, he said that “rich nations should shift entirely to synthetic beef.”  Bill Gates is the top private owner of farmland in the United States. He reportedly owns over 269,000 acres of farmland. Why would someone fundamentally opposed to raising cattle own more farmland than anyone else? Some could theorize that Gates may have a diabolical plan to control meat consumption in the United States. But with over 895 million acres of farmland in the United States, I find it hard to…

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Elon Musk is not happy with Twitter. “Free speech is essential to a functioning democracy,” he tweeted. He then proceeded to poll his Twitter followers. “Do you believe Twitter rigorously adheres to this principle?” More than 2 million people voted on the poll with more than 70% voting no. He then followed the post up by saying, “The consequences of this poll will be important. Please vote carefully.” In the following reply, Elon said, “Given that Twitter serves as the de facto public town square, failing to adhere to free speech principles fundamentally undermines democracy. What should be…

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Due to the recent stress in her life, Democrat hopeful Abby Broyles has said, “On the morning of March 2nd, I made the attempt to take my life, but thankfully, God had greater plans for me. I am currently undergoing mental health treatment for severe anxiety and dependency on alcohol to cope.”  Democrat Abby Broyles was running for the 5th District congressional race. That is until she was at a young girls’ slumber party last month. While at the slumber party, Ms. Broyles allegedly got drunk and started yelling at the girls. At one point, Ms. Broyles allegedly called one…

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Jose Manuel Perez was indicted on Thursday, March 24th, 2022. The feds charged and accused him of smuggling reptiles across the U.S.-Mexico border. On February 25th, 2022, Perez was arrested at the San Ysidro Port of Entry. The 60 reptiles, including dozens of lizards and four snakes, were hidden in his jacket, pants pockets, groin area, and pants legs. The reptiles were kept in cloth sacks tied off at the end. One can only imagine the discomfort for Mr. Perez if a lizard in his pants got hungry. From turtles, crocodiles, Mexican beaded lizards, and snakes, Perez had quite the…

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Once again, the Democrats are pushing legislation to remove all traces of the founding of the United States. Democratic Reps. Mike Friberg and Peter Fischer are pioneering an effort to redesign the Minnesota state flag. The bill passed the House panel on Tuesday, March 22, 2022. The vote passed along party lines, with 8 Democrats for the bill and 5 Republicans against it. The bill will now move on to the Republican-controlled state Senate. The future of the bill is uncertain. In a time where alt-left Democrats are tearing down as many foundational elements of the United States of America,…

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A Boeing 737 operated by China Eastern Airlines flying from Kunming to Guangzhou crashed in a mountainous area in southern China on March 21, 2022. There were 123 passengers and nine crew members aboard the flight. A video taken by local villagers has circulated on social media and has since gone viral. According to the Daily Beast: The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) said the aircraft, with 123 passengers and nine crew aboard, had lost contact over the city of Wuzhou. Earlier reports from Chinese state media had said there were 133 people on board. “The CAAC has…

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After the victim came forward with the claim of being raped in a female ward in a UK hospital, she had to endure nearly a year of opposition from the hospital staff. Despite CCTV evidence, the hospital maintained that the victim could not have been raped as no male was in the ward. They neglected to mention that the perpetrator was a male, believing himself to be a trans-woman. After a year of ridicule, the victim herself has been pushed towards the capacity of her own mental state. The hospital continued to push its narrative until, facing an insurmountable mountain…

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Yesterday, March 15, 2022, the United States Senate unanimously approved a bill for ending the bi-annual changing of the clocks. If Congress passes the bill, it will be sent over to President Biden to be signed. The Sunshine Protection Act was introduced by Marco Rubio (R-FL). To further explain why we started the time-change in the first place, the Independence writes: Why do we do this? Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the US and a noted polymath, came up with the idea of resetting clocks during the summer in order to save energy. The practice became…

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Since the 1970s, the USD has been the dominant currency for oil. That meant that countries needed to hold the US dollar to buy and sell oil. Growing tired of a bumbling US President, Saudi Arabia is negotiating with China to sell some using the Chinese Yuan to pay its oil. That is good for the US because it means that all the countries in the world need to trust that the value of the US dollar would hold firm. Today the WSJ reported: “Saudi Arabia is in active talks with Beijing to price its some of its oil sales…

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