Former NFL quarterback and passionate outspoken Christian, Tim Tebow and his wife, former Miss Universe Demi Leigh Tebow, announced on Tuesday they are now expecting their first child. In a post that was ultimately published on both of their Instagram accounts, the couple shared a video of themselves holding hands, which then turned to a series of ultrasound photos announcing they would soon be parents. At one point in the video, Demi turns around to reveal her baby bump, the couple then beams with happiness and shares a few smiles.
This is awesome. I have no doubt given the character of Tim Tebow that he’s going to be an amazing and super supportive father for this new life about to enter the world. He’s being given an opportunity to enter the most important mission field of all: parenthood. The Tebows will raise this little one to love the Lord.
According to The Daily Wire, the video featured the short, but oh so sweet caption that read, “Baby Tebow,” and stating the child is due to be born this summer.
“Team Tebow is expanding! Tim Tebow and his wife Demi-Leigh are expecting their first baby together, they share with PEOPLE exclusively while expressing their joy at becoming first-time parents ahead of their public announcement on Instagram,” a second post from the former beauty pageant winner read.
Demi-Leigh went on to tell the magazine, “We are just so excited and so over the moon to be having a baby together,” with Tebow adding that he’s “honored for the privilege of getting the responsibility and the joy of being mom and dad.”
“I’m so grateful because I just couldn’t imagine a better life partner to do life with first and foremost,” she explained. “To be able to raise a little tiny human being together. I’m so grateful that Tim is my husband… that we get to do parenting together.”
“I feel like every time I say, ‘Tim’s going to be a dad!’ it feels so surreal,” the former Miss Universe added.
Tebow, a college football analyst, told the magazine that when he learned they were going to be parents, it gave him a whole new perspective on life. “It’s just amazing how it also reprioritizes and changes what you put an emphasis on and what you value most,” the former QB said.
“News like that just supersedes the level of importance and the level of joy that you have,” he explained. “It’s just so cool.”
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Tebow is well known for his pro-life advocacy, having garnered a whole lot of attention when he shared his mother’s story at the March for Life event held in 2021. While delivering his talk, Tebow spoke of how his mother learned to trust the Lord and gave birth to him despite doctors telling her not to carry her child to full term and get an abortion.
Obviously, she didn’t listen. And look what this life became? A faithful follower of Jesus Christ who has positively impacted millions of peoples’ lives. What a powerful testimony!