Author: michael

Isaac Herzog, President of Israel, wasted absolutely no time shutting down a CNN reporter during a press conference held on Thursday morning after he seemingly insinuated that the Jewish nation was involved in “war crimes.” Of course, those of us who have been paying attention over the last several decades are well aware how bold the radical left has become in displaying it’s hatred for Israel and Jewish folk in general, so the accusation from this so-called “journalist” is not surprising in the least. Right after Herzog finished explaining his country had been following international law after being attacked last…

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According to Ryan Saavedra of the Daily Wire, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, a Republican congressman from Louisiana, has been nominated Speaker of the House by House Republicans on Wednesday, despite his competition, Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, receiving the endorsement of former President Donald Trump. This makes you wonder if, perhaps, the influence of Trump is beginning to wane among the GOP? While Trump has helped a large number of Republicans win important elections, some of have lost their races despite having his backing. The vote, according to Saavedra, was 113 for Scalise and only 99 for Jordan.…

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Former President Donald Trump just announced that he will be supporting House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, an Ohio Republican, for the position of Speaker of the House after a group of GOP members led an effort to oust California Republican Congressman Kevin McCarthy from the seat earlier this week. I have to say, that’s a good choice from Trump. Jordan is likely the right guy for the job. He has established a track record of supporting an America first agenda, while also working as the head of the House Judiciary Committee to expose the darkness and corruption of the…

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If there’s one thing the Daily Wire’s Candace Owens is good at, it’s stirring liberals up into a frenzy, especially during her speaking engagements on college campuses. And that’s even more true when tackling questions concerning transgenderism, a mental illness that has graduated to full-on social contagion, infecting the minds of young people all over the country, leaving a trail of destroyed lives in its path. In fact, that’s why people like Owens have decided to focus a lot of attention and energy on this very topic. It’s obliterating kids, as they are being exposed to this ideology in school,…

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Rep. Kevin McCarthy, a California Republican, who made history on Tuesday after he became the very first individual to be voted out of the speakership, fired back at the eight House Republicans who helped kick him out of the position, though he did say there were many more ways he could serve the people of the United States without being Speaker of the House, stating it was not worth locking up Congress if a few people in the GOP had personal issues with him and were dedicated to making sure he didn’t serve in the office. “I think you should…

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Well, it’s primary season in the latest presidential race, which means folks who normally work together to try and stop the madness of radical leftism from spreading throughout out culture and obliterating our nation are now wasting time and effort by attacking one another. A good example of this is the current rivalry heating up between former President Donald Trump and Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis. Both of these men are amazing, having far more in common with each other than differences, but hey, it’s a competition, right? And it’s politics in the second decade of the 2000s, which is…

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South Carolina Republican Sen. Tim Scott took an opportunity during the second GOP debate on Wednesday evening to run fellow candidate Vivek Ramaswamy through a proverbial meat grinder for past business ties he has to the Chinese Communist Party. Keep in mind, these are the same individuals that the very corrupt drug addicted son of President Joe Biden did business with in his influence peddling scheme. This is definitely not a good look for Ramaswamy. The Daily Wire provided some good insights concerning the event, especially as it relates to Scott, saying, “Scott’s attack comes after he was overshadowed and…

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Fans of pop sensation Britney Spears are super worried about her after she posted a recent video of herself dancing with what appears to be a set of very large, very sharp looking butcher knives. Hey, do you guys remember when Spears was fighting against the conservatorship her dad had over her estate, claiming she was of sound mind and could handle her own affairs? Yeah, it’s looking more and more like her family was right and she was wrong. This woman, who is now 41, definitely seems to be having some sort of mental breakdown, just like she did…

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Republican presidential candidate and former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley recently spoke to a group of individuals in the state of New Hampshire where she said she’s “unapologetically pro-life,” before stating the “fellas” have been “demonizing” the topic of abortion for “too long” and that it’s well past time to treat the issue “like the sensitive topic that it is.” Okay, so, I’m just going to state right out of the gate that for individuals who have had abortions and regret it, the topic is most definitely sensitive, when it comes to discussing whether or not it should be legal…

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It’s no secret the co-hosts of “The View” are intellectually challenged with the mentality and behavioral patterns of a preschooler, but the level of stupidity these women display on a daily basis still, somehow, finds a way to blow my mind. I’ve said it many times in the past and it’s still true today. “The View” is the worst morning talk show program in the history of television. How it has lasted this long is a mystery on the same level of who built the pyramids. The latest shenanigans to come from these dolts happened during Thursday’s episode of the…

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Donald Trump Jr., the son of former President Donald Trump, had his X account — formerly Twitter — hacked, with messages getting plastered all over his profile that immediately made folks suspicious about whether or not they were legit. It’s good to know that those who follow Trump Jr. know and understand how he communicates with them and doesn’t fall for nonsense that hackers are clearly attempting to pull. Here’s a look at some of the ridiculous posts that were made by the hacker, all of these coming in the span of thirty minutes: I’m sad to announce, my father…

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Do you guys remember way back in the thick of the coronavirus pandemic when a bunch of dudes plotted to kidnap tyrant-in-training Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan? I don’t blame you if you have forgot about it. A lot has happened in the world since then. Well, three of the men involved in the planning of this dastardly deed went through a two-week trial and were found not guilty of the charges made against them. Honestly, given the fact their plot was against a raging liberal Democrat, I’m shocked they didn’t end up in the slammer with a life sentence…

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California Republican Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy made it clear on Thursday that he’s ready to go head-to-head against any movement launched to boot him from his current position brought about by members of his own party. You know, at times such as these, with our nation on the brink of extinction thanks to the insane policies of radical socialist progressives, in-fighting seems like a very unproductive thing to be doing, wouldn’t you agree? McCarthy, according to the Daily Wire, said the “threats don’t matter,” during a news conference where a member of the press asked him to respond…

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For a long, long time we’ve witnessed the mainstream media go from organizations founded on journalistic integrity to nothing more than propaganda makers who will grovel before their Democratic Party overlords and lick their proverbial boots clean in order to get a few “good boy” pats on the head. It’s rather pathetic, but more than that, it’s dangerous. Networks like CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, and many others have large audiences that consume their content. Unfortunately, not many who read and watch the news coming from these companies exercises due diligence and discernment, believing the narratives spun by propagandists…

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Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson is proving to be a total sensation all on his own, doing a program on his X feed without the backing of a major network and drawing in an obscene number of views. If you listen closely, you will hear the sound of sobbing coming out of the offices of Fox News as they realize what a colossal mistake they’ve made by letting their number one host go. Carlson was let go back in April and he’s already doing far, far better without Fox. He’s interviewed former President Donald Trump and that was a…

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Former Fox News host and current podcast host Megyn Kelly recently opened up about her regrets of being vaccinated and the follow-up boosters, sharing how she has now tested positive for an autoimmune disorder. Folks, the reason this is important to discuss, especially at the moment, is because there are a couple of new COVID variants floating around, and since it’s close to election season, the left is taking full advantage of the uptick in cases to try and drag us into pandemic 2.0. With that comes a call for mask and vaccine mandates and an increase in fear mongering…

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The legacy media outlets are absolutely shocked to see former President Donald Trump, who is currently facing four indictments brought against him by Democrats eager to remove him from the 2024 playing field, tying with Joe Biden in the latest presidential polls. Why in the world are they shocked by the increase in Trump’s numbers? Is the media drinking the very same Kool-Aid they are pawning off on their viewers, believing their own propaganda? With Biden completely and utterly trashing our economy, engaging in a number of corrupt activities, and wandering around like a lost puppy, is it any wonder…

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While some individuals might feel like anything to do with aliens and UFOs is either the stuff of conspiracy theorists eating Cheetos in mom’s basement while rocking tinfoil hats, reading articles about lizard people, and blasting the X-Files theme on repeat, it turns out this is actually a very important topic that, if real, could transform every aspect of the world we know. Not to mention UFOs, whether of human or alien origin, pose a significant threat to our national security given their capabilities. In other words, this is an issue that needs to be taken far more seriously by…

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Elie Honig, a senior legal analyst for the left-wing cesspool known as CNN, explained the biggest issue he has with the lawsuit brought against former President Donald Trump by New York Attorney General Letitia James during a segment that aired on Thursday morning. Other than the fact that it’s bogus and just an attempt to weaponize the legal system against Trump to remove him from the presidential playing field ahead of the 2024 election? “James’ office alleges in a civil fraud lawsuit that Trump, his sons and the Trump Organization inflated his net worth by roughly $2.2 billion. Trump has…

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We are truly living in one of the most bizarre periods of American — heck, maybe even human — history, as certain growing portions of our population are rejecting basic biological fact, proven time and again by science for centuries, that a man is a man and a woman is a woman, neither of which can become the other, no matter how many surgeries or hormone therapies they undergo. What’s even worse is this transgender nonsense is now being pushed on children, confusing them about gender and sexuality starting as young as kindergarten age. In many instances, this indoctrination happening…

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A federal court in the state of Maryland ruled on Thursday that parents do not have the right to opt their children out of a curriculum that happens to include books teaching radical gender theory. In other words, you as a child’s parent do not have the right to decide what kind of worldview is being taught to your kid in school. This is an attempt by the state to replace you and your authority in your child’s life. Folks, they are most definitely coming for your children. According to The Daily Wire, Judge Deborah L. Boardman, a Biden appointee,…

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A sizable crowd of Trump supporters arrived outside of the jail located in Fulton County, Georgia, awaiting the arrival of former President Donald Trump, who is expected to show up on Thursday evening to be fingerprinted and even potentially have his mug shot snapped in his arraignment for charges of allegedly attempting to overturn the 2020 presidential election results. You just know leftist media outlets are chomping at the bit to get a mug shot photograph of Trump so they can parade it around and meme it to death. However, I don’t think doing that is going to have the…

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Bill Weir, CNN climate reporter, proved he’s a classless hack by heaping a ton of praise on President Joe Biden for the speech he delivered to the people of Maui who have suffered massive loss of property and life due to wildfires, comparing the incident to a small kitchen fire in his home almost two decades ago. How deplorable do you have to be to praise someone for belittling the pain, misery, and loss someone else is experiencing by attempting to make the tragedy all about you? Biden is a true egomaniac and the fact folks at CNN will lick…

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A new report from The Western Journal’s Christine Favocci has revealed that former President Donald Trump could potentially make a request to have his trial from the most recent indictment he faces in Georgia, to be moved to a federal court. And while it’s a very unorthodox move, it could have a lot of benefits for him in the long run, especially as he faces down several other indictments. “On Monday, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis indicted the leading GOP candidate in the 2024 presidential race on 13 counts, including one charge of violating the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt…

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President Joe Biden, making statements about the one-year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act, which, by the way, was not actually designed to reduce the massive inflation crushing the economic soul of our country, went full creep mode by suggesting kids present in the audience should talk with him about getting ice cream “because daddy owes you.” Did he just refer to himself as “daddy?” To a bunch of children he doesn’t even know? Well, that’s gross. Anyone else have the heeby-jeebies? According to the Daily Wire, several social media users described the president and his comments as “creepy,” which…

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Well, it seems sales for retail giant Target have gone full Titanic, sinking to the bottom of the proverbial ocean after slamming into an iceberg of backlash due to their Pride Month collection. The company announced the negative turn in their sales figures on Wednesday. And you know what? It could not have happened to a better retail corporation. You go woke, you go broke. You’d think these companies would have learned from what happened to Bud Light, but alas, it seems that is not the case. “Target’s quarterly sales sank for the first time in six years, falling 5.4% in…

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There’s nothing leftists seem to love more than erasing history and revising it to match their own twisted view of the past, all in hopes of removing anything out of the world that might cause someone to get their panties in a bunch. This is why we’ve witnessed the removal of Confederate statues and monuments from public places such as parks, cemeteries, and universities in recent years. Of course, the problem here is that when you erase reminders of the past, you open yourself up to potentially repeating the mistakes of the past. And, of course, what’s really mind-blowing about…

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Charlotte Pride, one of the leading LGBT pride organizations located in Charlotte, North Carolina, has once again provided evidence that the so-called “advocates” for the LGBT community want to normalize pedophilia, as they listed a known child sex offender as the recipient of the 2023 Harvey Milk Award for exceptional “LGBT+” advocacy. “Chad Sevearance-Turner, a former music minister who served years in prison for sexually abusing a minor boy, will receive the award this year, with the group praising him as an ‘influential advocate for LGBT+ issues,’ Reduxx reported,”  the Daily Wire reported. The report went on to state that…

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Former President Donald Trump just keeps on getting tossed under the bus by the radical left who is attempting to ensure that he is convicted of felony charges, which could potentially destroy his presidential campaign. According to the Daily Wire, Special Counsel Jack Smith secured a search warrant for his Twitter account back in January of 2023, a batch of freshly unsealed court documents said on Wednesday. “Just found out that Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ secretly attacked my Twitter account, making it a point not to let me know about this major ‘hit’ on my civil rights,” Trump said in…

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Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott came out swinging for the fences against accusations being made by the government of Mexico that is trying to pin deaths of illegal migrants this week to the buoy barrier that was installed by the Lone Star State in the Rio Grande. No one is forcing individuals to try and enter the country illegally. When a person breaks our immigration laws, they are taking their lives into their own hands. It’s a risk. Always was, always will be, regardless of whether those buoys are there or not. “Two bodies, likely of migrants attempting to illegally…

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